Orangevale PVC Roofing

Orangevale PVC Roofing Contractor

Choosing the right material for your Orangevale, CA roof can save you both time and money in the future. However, knowing what is right for your roof can be a difficult decision if you are unsure about the products available. Polyvinyl Chloride, better known as PVC, is a popular roofing choice for many homes in California, particularly because of its flat design that can be susceptible to many different elements. An Orangevale PVC roofing contractor can help you better understand its benefits.

At Noah’s Roofing, our roofing contractors have been recommending PVC roofing to both residential and commercial clients for years. Our team knows the value of this product and its ability to protect the outside of your home or business so you can remain focused on what’s important, and that’s the people inside. Highly resistant to harm from chemicals, UV rays, and high winds, PVC may be right for you.

What Is PVC Roofing?

PVC roofing is a single-layered membrane that has grown in popularity, particularly amongst industrial or commercial properties. This membrane is composed of two layers, with polyester acting as the supporting one.

Similar to other roofing options such as Thermoplastic Olefin (TPO) and ethylene propylene diene terpolymer (EPDM), PVC roofing can be used in conjunction with other roofing materials that will not only add protection but also leave you the peace of mind that you are helping the environment at the same time.

The Lifespan of PVC

While every roof is different, and the elements that impact it can vary, PVC roofing has an average lifespan of 20 years. Because of its durability over that time, you can save both time and money while not worrying about roof repairs and extensive maintenance. Maximizing the life of your PVC roof can be done with just a few steps:

  • Ponding water. From the first signs of ponding water, have your roof inspected by a roofing contractor who can offer various solutions. When water ponds, it can cause damage to any roofing materials, as well as promote rot and mold.
  • Proper drainage. Ensuring that your roof has proper drainage installed, such as gutters, and keeping the drainage areas clear of debris can ensure water flows from the roof and does not cause damage.
  • Conducting regular inspections of your roof, particularly after heavy rains or storms, can ensure the seams and flashing of your PVC roof are holding up. If you notice areas of concern, have a roofing contractor come and look.
  • Look for signs of wear or damage. Areas of a roof that are wearing thin or receiving damage can lead to leaks that could ultimately cause damage to your roofing structure. Noticing these signs early can help ensure they are repaired or replaced in a timely manner.

Why You Should Choose PVC

While there are many options for roofing materials, PVC offers many benefits that homeowners and business owners will value when investing in their home or business. Benefits include:

  • The high-quality design of PVC roofing makes this product one that is resistant to rotting, corrosion, weathering, and much more. While other roofing materials require caulk, tape, or other adhesives, PVC uses hot-air welded seams. This creates a watertight bond that can help ensure moisture doesn’t get underneath.
  • Fire resistance. Any time part of a home or business can be fire resistant, there is a safety advantage that could not only save the structure but also those inside. Because it won’t burn or melt in a fire, it may help to suppress a fire should it be exposed to one. If exposed, repairs may be minimal to a PVC roof.
  • Ease of installation. PVC roofing material is one of the easier materials to install. While many roofs may take several days or a week to install, PVC can take just a couple of days. With its malleability, it can be shaped or cut to fit any roof shape to ensure it works as it is supposed to.
  • Resistant to the elements. With the welded connections, it is resistant to water, which means it won’t break down in the next big rain. While Orangevale won’t be the likely sight of the next category three hurricane, PVC roofing will withstand winds associated with such storms.
  • Chemical resistance. For those businesses in the manufacturing industry, this quality of PVC roofing can be a huge benefit, whereas other roofing solutions, such as asphalt or single-ply materials, can be significantly impacted by chemicals and toxins associated with many of these facilities.


Q: What Is the Cost of a PVC Roof?

A: The cost of any roof installation can vary depending on the circumstances of the installation. Factors such as the size of the roof, the shape of the roof, and whether it is for residential or commercial use will all play a role in the final cost of installation. Generally, PVC roofing can cast between $7 and $12 per square foot. A roofing contractor can discuss the exact costs with you.

Q: Is a PVC Roof Expensive?

A: PVC roofing is not the least expensive roofing material on the market, but it is not the most expensive, either. However, the cost of installing PVC roofing can mean offsetting future maintenance or repair costs. PVC roofing is durable and long-lasting, which means it will likely last until your next installation is needed.

Q: What Are the Issues With PVC Roofing?

A: While PVC roofing is largely beneficial, areas of the roof may experience separating seams or loosened fasteners. When this occurs, your roof will be more susceptible to leaks, which could lead to water damage. If you notice signs of either, it is recommended that you call a roofing contractor who can evaluate your needs.

Q: What Is the Life Expectancy of PVC Roofs?

A: The longevity of a roof is dependent on how well it was installed and what elements it may be exposed to. In harsher conditions, you may find your roof needs to be repaired or replaced more often. In ideal conditions and with proper installation, your PVC roof could last 20 to 30 years. When choosing your roof, speak with your roofing contractor about what you can expect.

Orangevale, CA PVC Roofing Installation

If you are in need of a new roof or roof repair, contact the professional roofing contractors at Noah’s Roofing. Our team doesn’t just recommend products but recommends what will work for you, depending on your unique needs. When you need help with your residential or commercial roofing project, contact our team and let us help you protect what’s inside by ensuring the outside is done right.


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